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Next In The

Project Series



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About The Project Series


These books are the culmination of over a decade's work to develop and perfect a unique approach to achieve massive outcomes by using clear, simple plans.


These plans include step-by-step guides to dramatically improve relationships, career & professional success, financial freedom and self-fulfillment.


All the tools and skills are here - presented in plain language for ease of understanding and implementation to maximum effectiveness.


With these books, you can literally rewrite your own destiny!

Upcoming Titles



Project Self

Everything you can see, touch and feel is a direct result of your own choices. Learn how to make better choices and use the skills, tools and methods you will learn here to rewrite your destiny.


Project Relationships for Men

Why do so many marriages end in divorce? Why are so few marriages really for life? This book will teach you how to build a life-long, deeply fulfilling and truly happy relationship with your wife. Also in this book: experience significantly better relationships with your children, friends, colleagues and others who matter to you.


Project Relationships for Women

Why do so many marriages end in divorce? Why are so few marriages really for life? This book will teach you how to build a life-long, deeply fulfilling and truly happy relationship with your husband. Also in this book: experience significantly better relationships with your children, friends, colleagues and others who matter to you.


Project Career

Proven methods and techniques to get that increase, land that dream job, get the promotion, become an entrepreneur and improve your professional success, whatever you do for a living.


Project Finance

Effective methods and techniques to become cash-flow positive, eradicate debt, and ultimately become financially independent and accumulate real wealth.


Project Everything

The Ultimate Guide To Achieve Anything - The culmination of all the aspects in our lives which govern our happiness, success and fulfilment: A detailed approach to gain control over your destiny, including your Self-Actuation, Relationships, Career & Finances.

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